Zune & iPod
iPod Support
Image by pchow98
Both flavors of MP3 players. I am using the Zune more nowadays because of the great Podcast support in the Zune software. Also like the much larger screen and all that. Yes, the iPod is a little smaller and more stylish, but there isn’t much after that. In the end, I still like the Zune better.

“band in a box” *pointing the ipod…*
iPod Support
Image by Kmeron
Support act For Razorlight : bit.ly/razorlight

And soon a post about it on www.kmeron.com/

All my concert Pictures can be seen on www.musicfromthepit.com

Sad iPod
iPod Support
Image by ctsilva
Not sure how this happened, I used it one night, went to dinner, got into work the next day, pulled it out of my coat and BAM broken. Sucks, but at least it got replaced under warranty (even though it was a couple days over.)