Apple's iPhones And iPads Showing Up In China Mobile Stores

Apple Store
From the pictures he took and what he wrote a majority of the store was dedicated to Apple. While this is only one store it is a positive indication that China Mobile could aggressively market iPhones and iPads. The price for an iPhone 5s is 4,380 …

Apple's App Store About To Hit 1 Million Apps

Apple Store
Just when you thought you needed some more Apps for your iPhone or iPad within about a week there should be 1 million Apps on Apple Apple's App Store. At the end of November had counted 997,673 active Apps (998,919 as of Dec. 9) and …

GTA: San Andreas rolls out on iOS App Store as Pinterest, Steam see updates

Apple Store
Creative social networking site Pinterest unveiled a redesigned version of their iPad app Wednesday, while Valve Software gave Steam Mobile a new look-and-feel and Rockstar Games' iOS port of GTA: San Andreas hit the App Store.