screen time Credit: Markus Winkler / Unsplash

We were already weary of the issue before Apple introduced screen time in 2018 with iOS 12 as a parental control. However, it wasn’t until we saw a glimpse of the staggering amount of time we spend on our devices that we became more informed about the consequences — and more proactive about addressing them.

Excessive screen time has a cascading effect on our physical and mental health, starting with eye strain, headaches, and disrupted sleep patterns. While we’re sitting we aren’t physically active, which, in turn, increases the risk of conditions like obesity, cardiovascular disease, anxiety, and depression.

Screen time 2
One Zone Studio

Extended screen time also reduces social interaction and impedes the development of interpersonal skills. This is especially true for children. Of course, it’s nearly impossible to escape screen-based activities altogether, but we can be more intentional about balancing our screen time responsibly. Here are some useful tips for adults to take control of their screen time.

Read on for seven useful tips for adults to take control of their screen time.