Ipad Air

Apple iPad Air Review!

iPad Air Review – The DeFacto tablet from a Googler’s POV! Apple iPad Air (16GB): http://amzn.to/19lsvcH iPad Air Sample photos… nah. It’s a tablet. Games …
ipad air Video Rating: 4 / 5

Should i get iPad Air is it different from iPad 2?

i already got iPad 2 but i want to get other tablet should i get iPad Air and tell me why

ipad air best answer:

Answer by Shehan Mello
iPad Air is the 5th generation of the iPad. And the answer for your question is yes you should. ? because the iPad Air is much more powerful than the iPad 2 and iPad Air has a 64bit A7 processor. And it has a retina display, which can gives you colours, as the way they are. iPad is the one of the best tablets on earth and one of my friends has that and its awesome. If you have no concern about the price, get the 128GB model, so that you can install many applications and carry much data with it. And the other main reason, sooner, apple will reduce the support given to the iPad 2. So having a device with the manufacturer support is like having a computer with Windows XP. You can do work with it, but no more updates. Hope you will get an iPad air. Good Luck

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